
Hooded Vulture

Necrosyrtes monachus




Hooded Vulture

Description: Dark brown bird with thin bill and pinkish skin on face; 25-27 inches; 67-71 inch wingspan


Habitat: Open woodlands, savannas, coastal areas, towns and villages


Diet: Carrion, small vertebrates and invertebrates


Reproduction: Lays 1 egg; nests in trees

Least Concern

Did you know...

Hooded Vultures are smaller and weaker than many of the other African vultures. They rely on larger scavengers to rip open a carcass and then use their thin, sharp beaks to pick off bits of meat left behind by the other animals.

These vultures are common throughout Africa and are often found around towns and villages, especially near dump sites. They are opportunistic feeders and will sometimes follow along behind plows, eating the insects that have been exposed.

Range: Mauritania east to Ethiopia and south to Namibia and South Africa except in areas of uninterrupted forest or desert

Range of the Hooded Vulture